We fund co-ordinated, community-led action for change
The Todd Foundation continues a family legacy of generosity. Since 1972 we’ve been funding and supporting community organisations that share our vision.
The Foundation invests in community-led change by building strong relationships, learning and sharing what communities know works, and investing in their approaches. We partner with collaboratives and leaders who are responsive to community need, think systemically and work to amplify the voices and solutions of those closest to the issues on the ground.

We want to see an inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand where all families, children and young people can thrive and contribute.
Whakawhāiti Aotearoa, hei oranga wairua, oranga tāngata.
Our approach to funding is the result of 50 years of listening to our community partners. This listening is why we fund work to change systems instead of supporting one-off projects and service delivery.
It is why we pro-actively seek out communities, groups and collectives to partner with. It is why high-trust, long-term relationship-based funding is what we bring to the table.

Our approach
We want to support real change in communities, reduce time spent on funding proposals and reporting, and promote collaboration rather than competition. For these reasons we don’t run grant rounds or accept pitches from individuals or organisations. Instead we pro-actively seek out communities, groups and collectives to partner with in our three main funding streams: change, collaboration and capability.
When we partner with a group, we try to provide more than funding. Our approach to resourcing long-term social change is to partner in a high-trust, long-term and relationship-focussed way.
We do this to support the creation of an inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand where all families, children and young people can thrive and contribute.
Meet Our Community Partners
At the end of the day what matters most to us is not how we fund, but who we fund. We invite you to learn more about the community partners we have the honour to walk alongside.
A: PO Box 3142,Wellington 6140
A: Level 15, Todd Building, 95 Customhouse Quay, Wellington
E: info@toddfoundation.org.nz
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Opinions expressed in articles within this site are those of their owners and may not reflect the opinion of the Todd Foundation.