We want to see an inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand where all families, children and young people can thrive and contribute.
Whakawhāiti Aotearoa, hei oranga wairua, oranga tāngata.

Our strategy comes from the community and guides what we do
We changed our approach in 2018 after listening to the groups we were funding. Our resources now enable communities and collectives to do the deep thinking, build connections and bring people together to find solutions to large-scale problems. The Todd Foundation invests in community-led change and our strategy seeks to target resources and problem-solving efforts at the root causes of some of society’s biggest issues.
A: PO Box 3142,Wellington 6140
A: Level 15, Todd Building, 95 Customhouse Quay, Wellington
E: info@toddfoundation.org.nz
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Opinions expressed in articles within this site are those of their owners and may not reflect the opinion of the Todd Foundation.